TIME: You have strictly 7 working days from the delivery date to bring your return to the post (it needs to be postmarked within these 7 days). We are a small independent company and are not able to carry a lot of stock so receiving unused goods back in perfect condition and a timely fashion is crucial to our business.
CONDITION: We can only accept your return if the goods are absolutely unused and in the original condition. In turn we would never send out used goods to you. When you purchase from ShariRigby.com we guarantee that you'll get a brand new product. You will be the first owner of any of our products. You get to wear it, read it or watch it for the first time and let it grow with you. We are sure you understand that if we receive items from you (even if it is used for only one day) it will show and due to our strict guidelines we won't be able to accept the return.
EXCHANGE: We are not able to directly exchange goods so if you decide you would like a different product you will need to return your order and place a new one.
REFUND: Once the goods are returned to us in the original and unused condition we will quality check them and process a refund for the goods. Depending on the original payment it may take a few weeks to see the refund on your account.
PERSONALIZED OR AUTOGRAPHED: Sorry, these items are not returnable or refundable.
EXCEPTIONS: If you send back used goods they will be sent back to you at your expense. If goods are received damaged we will not be able to give you a refund, but will contact you with pictures of the damage so you can claim a refund from your shipping company. If the return is dispatched after seven working days we will issue a store credit only at our discretion. Shipping costs and import fees are not refundable.